8th Haflingertreffen
The 8th Haflingertreffen will be June 6th to 8th at Semmering!
More information here!
7th Haflingertreffen
The 7th Haflingertreffen was on June 9th/10th 2007 in Eggenburg, Lower Austria.
Watch the Video!
The pictures are online!
6th Haflingertreffen
The Erste Ă–sterreichische Kleinwagen Club presented the 6th Haflingertreffen on June 10th & 11th 2006 in Leobersdorf/Lower Austria.
Find pictures of this event here.
Haflinger's back!
It is time again! A decade later we revived our Haflingersection and are organizing a meeting for all owners and enthusiasts of these adorable Austrian cross-country vehicles.